companies report    business information   investigative business search

Investigative Business Search  

The INVESTIGATIVE PRE-CREDIT FACILITY SEARCH is a proper investigation aimed at collecting information for granting credit facilities. The starting point is a complete analysis of the official data available on the company and related subjects, adverse entries, real estate, corporate reports, last 3 annual financial statements with related economic-financial analysis. The investigative activity is aimed at verifying actual operation of the prospect, customer or supplier but also at ascertaining their current economic position. The focus of the search is the reputation of the company and its legal representative at the relevant banking institution.

Fill in the requested data
Fill in only one field, either Tax Identification Number or VAT Number.
Fill in only one field, either Tax Identification Number or VAT Number.
Choose whether to enter the Iban number or the ABI [Italian Banking Association Code] and CAB [Bank Sort Code].
Choose whether to enter the Iban number or the ABI [Italian Banking Association Code] and CAB [Bank Sort Code].
Choose whether to enter the Iban number or the ABI [Italian Banking Association Code] and CAB [Bank Sort Code].
Choose whether to enter the Iban number or the ABI [Italian Banking Association Code] and CAB [Bank Sort Code].
Choose whether to enter the Iban number or the ABI [Italian Banking Association Code] and CAB [Bank Sort Code].
Choose whether to enter the Iban number or the ABI [Italian Banking Association Code] and CAB [Bank Sort Code].
€ 150.00 Prices are shown excluding VAT.
The service includes

  Complete Chamber of Commerce data

  Financial statements data

  Check on adverse entries on the company and its officers

  Real Estate

  Complete investigative activity

  Banking reputation

7 Days Working days required to dispatch the product.